Make money from internet! Be paid
N1,500 for each person you invite to
register as Netcontacts online member.
To know more, log onto and register for
free trial with Invitationcode: 1301129679

Make at least 1.5 million naira
monthly, by inviting 1000
persons to register as
Netcontacts’ members every
month, from any town/city
within Nigeria

Netcontacts membership
emerged from the desires to
create an easy and legitimate
money making opportunity for
Nigerians, through the internet –
like this simple method, if you
invite me, I pay you; if I invite
other people, they pay you , therefore pay
the person who invites you to
register as Netcontacts
member. So that you will be also
paid, when you invite other
Please, see the payment as a
sacrifice and as a contribution
for us to help one another to
raise money, in a country like
ours – with high rate of
unemployment and under-paid
work force. If we think that our
government is not helping?
Now, this is our opportunity to
help somebody. Pay N1,500 to
the person who invites you to
register as Netcontacts member
and you will be paid also when
you invite other people – this is a
fresh hope! “Sky is our limit”.

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